Our Cattle
As a cattle operation we take pride in the care and management of our cattle. We focus on the well-being of our animals as well as the quality of our beef. J2 Cattle Farm ensures that each animal gets the proper nutrients and vaccinations needed to grow. Weather fellow farmers and ranchers are buying seedstock or consumers are purchasing beef, customer satisfaction is at the forefront of our business.
Below is a list of the Sires that were used to make up the foundation of J2 Cattle Farm.
Reference Sires

GAR HomeTown
GAR Sure Fire
Niagara Z29
Wilks Regiment 9035
GAR Prophet

Mogck Entice

Deer Valley All In

Sydgen Enhance

RB Tour Of Duty

Jindra Acclaim

EWA Peyton 642

EWA Teamwork 821

VAR Discovery

Connealy Capitalist

EWA WestPoint
New Day 454
ALC Big Eye

Boyd Signature
Final Answer 035
Connealy Blackhawk
Final Product

SAV 8180 Traveler 004
SAV Mandan
Thomas TopHand
Vaccinations & Feed
Our animal's primary source of nutrients come from a forage-based diet. We produce all of our own hay and haylage for our cattle. We plant annual forages for spring and summer to achieve the most yield and highest form of nutrients we can from our operation. Calves are supplemented with a little grain in addition to their haylage. Our freezer beef stock is grown naturally on a 100% forage-based diet until it is time move them to the feed lot. At this time, they are slowly transitioned from a 100% forage-based diet to a forage/grain finishing ration that will finish the beef with the right amount of marbling, tenderness and flavor. Our freezer beef is what we call "Naturally raised on pasture and grass but grain finished".

Vaccination and Health
Our animals are given routine trips through the chute to keep them healthy and thriving. All of our cattle are de-wormed once a year and anything less than 1 yr old will get de-wormed twice a year. Our cattle receive Pink Eye, Black Leg, and Tentus Vaccination in the spring. In the fall they are vaccinated with a MLV (Modified-Live Vaccine) to aid in the prevention of Bovine reproductive and respiratory infections prior to breeding season. We try to focus on prevention in our herd vs the use of anti-biotics and treatment if possible.